Sunday, August 7, 2011

Yesterday I woke up feeling ridiculously lazy and a little down. Saturdays are usually just as scheduled as my workweek with appointments, yoga class, errands, etc. I decided to indulge in my hermit-like feelings and stay in all day… but with purpose! Lately I have had a seriously bad case of fruit flies (due to eating almost an entirely plant-based diet, but more on that later).

I started around 10:30 a.m. and literally didn’t stop until 7:00 p.m.! AND I didn’t even get to my bathroom! For those of you won don’t know (or really for those who do, because I’m pretty sure Mom is the only one who reads my blog) my apartment is tiny. But the kitchen is spotless and scrubbed with bleach, the wood floors were swept, disinfected, and mopped; bookshelves are dusted, and bed sheets are clean.

Here are those beautifully dusted bookshelves…

One project in my pending list is finding photo albums so my bottom shelf doesn’t look like this:

I was beyond thrilled when I found DVD storage at Ikea that hides my (sometimes embarrassing) collection of movies & TV shows.

I tried to battle the flies by making a homemade trap. After some online reasearch I used a pasta jar, some fruit scraps and dates. I threw in some honey and hot soapy water for good measure. Ughhh… look at that sludge!

(FYI the saran wrap didn’t really work as intended. It was hard to keep the seal taut. I ended up leaving it completely open on top and just hoping the flies would take a swim). Throughout the day I added more and more scraps of food I ate and this morning I’m really topping the jar off. Its getting a bit out of control. And its oddly satisfying to see flies floating and the surface.

Not wanting to end this post on a disgusting note… This week I went to Dallas for work and lounged in a hanging pod-type chair in the hotel lobby. My dream is to have one of these bad boys in wicker next to my pool. I’m aware I don’t have a pool, or a backyard, or a house; obviously this is a far off dream.


  1. What a way to spend the weekend!
    We (as in the kids) spent it by emptying out the contents of Chloe's drawers and Colton discovered his love of my cookware's lids- putting them on and off, and repeat...
